Thursday, February 23, 2012

Cell Phone Annoyance

DD won't leave the cell phone alone. Well, ok, she won't leave the house phone alone either. Finally we have gotten to the point that both phones were out.

DD 'fixed' the house phone so well that the company had to be called to come and fix the hardward in the wall. She says she was taking the black piece out because it was in the way. Go figure.

Anyway the provider that handles her money was supposed to pay for her cell phone. We have been working on this for 2 and a half to 3 weeks. Still I learned when my daughter came home for the holiday this weekend that she didn't have a phone.

I think, with my little know-nothing self, that not having a phone is a health and safety issue. I even had to remind the provider to do an incident report. But that's another story.

I met DD and her DSP (direct support person) at the cell phone company. The DSP said that the cell phone company could not find her account. At I was in line I called the administrator at the provider and told her that I would pay for the phone and they could pay me back.

She started to explain to me why that would not be a good idea. I must admit I was past the point of listening to another explanation. I hung up. I called back later but I hung up.

I will certainly advocate to get my money back if for no other reason than DD stayed without a phone for 2 weeks. If I don't get it back oh well.

All of this to say, DD called me on her cell phone today to tell me she is going to the parade with the boyfriend. :D I am quite happy that she called me.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


My DD is back to seeing the guy she was seeing before. And the same one she was seeing befor that. I think they have broken up and gotten back together 4 or 5 times now.

It's not that she hasn't had the opportunity to date other guys. She just doesn't care for them. Typically they stop seeing each other because of another girl.

I'm annoyed but she is so happy when she is seeing him. DD came for the weekend before Mardi Gras and had to go back Sunday. Sunday she was singing. We also went to work out some issues with her cell phone yesterday and she was singing.

DD did tell me she wanted to 'lay' with him. She agreed it was time to call the doctor. We had the discussion about having a baby that might cry. I just wanted to make sure she and I were on the same page.

The discussions are really simple but I want to know if her ideas on a baby have changed. She loves kids but gets really upset when they cry. DD cries too. Sometimes being the mother of an adult with Autism is complicated.

At the same time I want her to have a life with all of the richness it can have, I want her to have a life that works. I'm determined to give her the choice BUT I do remind her that babies cry. I'm just doing the best I can.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Being an Autism Momma

What were you going to be? I mean before you became an Autism momma or Autism daddy? I had gotten my notary liscense and had signed up to take a course for my real estate liscense.

When I look back I don't think I knew that she had Autism yet. I just knew that wasn't where my life was going. I mean who else but us? They can't do it at least not as children.

Now I have a little breathing space. Both the daughter with Autism and the daughter with Aspergers are grown. I don't have to be 'on' all the time. My work and my life has revolved around Autism.

I don't regret it. As a matter of fact I think I'll keep doing THIS.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Managed Care Approach and Autism Services

I live in Louisiana. The Govenor's Executive Budget presentation to the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget says long tern personal care services in the NOW Waiver will be handled with a managed care approach.

I wonder what that means. Do any of ya'll have experience with that expression in your state? How did it go?

Sunday, February 12, 2012


I haven't written in awhile. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with my own health and making things work for my daughters that I forget. It's not fair to my readers though. I mean after all how can we learn from each other.

It was like that in the school system too. You work so hard at figuring out which different programs and techniques that might work it gets too big. I hear homeschooling families go through the same struggle.

Now I'm working on things like employment for one of the daughters. Some problems though... Anyway I'm working at it.